Skills Needed To Become A Threat Hunter
Cybercrimes are increasing continuously, along with methods and tools used by cybercriminals. However, the approaches and tricks of cybersecurity professionals are also upgrading to identify every vulnerability in the system. There can be a chance of undetected vulnerability in the system for years, and such vulnerabilities lead to an attack surface, allowing malicious attackers to exploit.
Threat Hunters play a crucial role in any organization in identifying such vulnerabilities in the system, processes, or people. In this informative blog, we will check out the skills required to become a Threat Hunter.
You can check our video on threat hunting to learn more:
Skills needed to become a Threat Hunter
The following are some of the skills that are considered essential to become a Threat Hunter:
① Data analytics
Threat Hunters should be skilled enough to comprehensively monitor, collect, and analyze data. The Threat Hunter should know about data science methodologies, analytics, tools, and techniques. Using data visualization tools, they should generate charts, reports, and diagrams of collected data, as this will help identify the patterns and drives to provide effective solutions seamlessly.
② Data forensic capabilities
A Threat Hunter needs data forensics skills to analyze new threats and affected hosts to get a complete understanding of the impact caused by the threat. They should be able to collect, manage, and analyze the evidence found in the network to prove or disprove the hypothesis to the higher officials.
③ Good communication
Threat Hunters should possess good communication skills to effectively communicate information about threats or weaknesses to management or security team leaders, along with recommended action steps to counteract such threats. They should be able to explain the technical terms and strategy on how the identified threat would affect the business.
④ Malware analysis
Threat Hunters should be able to find, collect, and analyze detailed information on malware, including how the malware was injected, how the spread occurred, and what the damages caused by the injected malware are. They should have a good understanding of malware analysis techniques.
⑤ Pattern recognition
Threat Hunters should be able to recognize patterns that match the techniques, tactics, strategies, and procedures of malicious hackers, malware, and unusual behaviors. To recognize those patterns, they must first understand standard behavioral patterns on the network. Threat Hunter should spot suspicious activity and confirm if it is a false positive or advanced malware attempt in the network.
Threat Hunting Professional training with InfosecTrain
InfosecTrain is one of the most reputable security and technology training and consulting firms, offering a variety of IT security training and services. It offers a Threat Hunting Professional online training course to provide a complete understanding of threat hunting methodologies and frameworks, which will help you develop the skills required to become a successful Threat Hunter.